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Understanding the Impact of Workforce Reductions on 401(k) Plans

Understanding the Impact of Workforce Reductions on 401(k) Plans

Employee turnover often triggers a wave of issues for a company and its human resources department. Even 401(k) retirement plans — one of the most sought-after employee benefits — can be impacted when a substantial number of employees are involuntarily terminated....

Healthcare Security in 2024: The Cyberthreat Landscape

Healthcare Security in 2024: The Cyberthreat Landscape

Healthcare providers are increasingly in the crosshairs of potentially catastrophic ransomware attacks and data breaches. Locked out from critical files and information, cybercriminals hold the organization hostage while demanding a payment in exchange for a...

Don’t Fall Victim to an IRS Scam!

Don’t Fall Victim to an IRS Scam!

While many types of scams occur throughout the year, we generally see a spike in IRS scams during the primary filing season of January through April.  IRS scams typically occur when an impostor pretending to work for the IRS contacts an individual by phone, e-mail, or...

Business Start-Up Resource Guide

Business Start-Up Resource Guide

Are you ready to embark on the exciting journey of starting your own business? Before diving into the process of setting up a legal entity, obtaining business licenses, signing leases, and securing loans, it's crucial to conduct a thorough self-assessment. Consider...