Thought leadership.

Our insights on topics affecting the industries we serve.


DHW’s blog is your go-to source to hear our firm’s insight on topics that affect not only the accounting industry, but also the industries in which we serve our clients.

How Retailers Can Increase Sales

How Retailers Can Increase Sales

One of the most common concerns that I hear when working with retailers is that “we need more sales!”  Of course, but sales are just one component of determining overall profitability as “costs” can also dictate whether a retailer makes or loses money.  Retailers are...

Federal Excise Tax Considerations for Your Dealership in the New Year

Federal Excise Tax Considerations for Your Dealership in the New Year

As we begin the new year, I always recommend that our dealer clients take time to reflect and reassess the prior year and try to determine any areas where efficiencies could be achieved, and perhaps more importantly, revisit policies and procedures that could help...

Tips to Prevent Foreign Object Contamination in Food Manufacturing

Tips to Prevent Foreign Object Contamination in Food Manufacturing

One of the biggest fears of any food manufacturer is the risk of foreign object contamination of their products.  Yet, it seems that there is not a week that goes by without news of another recall related to some type of contamination or issue related to a foreign...